
October 24-25 we are presenting at the "Puzzles of Agreement Workshop"

This conference addresses the phenomenon of agreement and, in particular, agreement puzzles that arise from interactions with logical operators (such as conjunction, disjunction, negation, quantifiers, modals, etc.) or with special kinds of nouns (such as collectives). We will hear from a number of experts on the topic. We also welcome abstract submissions adopting theoretical and/or experimental approaches, from various linguistic domains (syntax, semantics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, etc.).

Members of our group will present three talks:

Thursday 24.10
Anastasia Gerasimova
Agreement in Russian copular clauses: Experimental evidence for valuation in post-syntax

Friday 25.10
Lada Pasko
Agreement with quantitative subjects in Russian: An experimental study

Friday 25.10
Daria Belova
Experiments contradicting corpus: Predicate agreement with QP subjects in Russian

See the program.

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