Moscow Experimental Syntax Group
All publications
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Thesis and term papers
Baykov F. (2023).
Non-local syntactic interactions across an NP/DP boundary: Negative concord and wh-movement [in Russian]
. Rhema, 2, 171–189.
Belova D. (2023).
Subject island and discontinuous spellout in Russian: An experimental approach
. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 31 (FASL 30 issue), 1-18.
Belova D. (2023).
Syntax and prosody of split scrambling: An experimental approach [in Russian]
. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” (2023), 22 (supplementary volume), 1001-1008.
Belova D., Davidyuk T. (2023).
Agreement with coordinated subjects containing a personal pronoun: Experimental data from Russian [in Russian]
. Rhema, 2, 53–88.
Davidyuk T. (2023).
Predicate agreement with coordinated subjects in Russian: word order, conjuncts order, predicate features [in Russian]
. Proceedings of the Digital in social studies and humanities: method, field, reality, 12–20.
Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. (2023).
Linguistics and gender stereotypes [in Russian]
. To the 80th birthday of O.F. Krivnova, 281-295.
Knyazev M., Rudaleva E. (2023).
Experimental study of the influence of register formality on the preferred realization of the complement clause in Russian [in Russian]
. Lomonosov Philology Journal. Series 9. Philology, 1, 9–23.
Knyazev M. (2023).
An experimental study of argument extraction from presuppositional clauses in Russian
. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” (2023), 22, 242-252.
Knyazev M. (2023).
Noun complement clauses with a demonstrative determiner in Russian
. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 31 (FASL 30 issue), 1-19.
Lyutikova E., Gerasimova A. (2023).
Negative Concord and locality in Russian
. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique, 68(1), 31–73.
Lyutikova E., Gerasimova A. (2023).
Studying agreement variation in Russian: Problems and methodology [in Russian]
. Rhema, 2, 9–27.
Pasko L. (2023).
Against ATB-analysis of partial agreement in Russian: An experimental study [in Russian]
. Rhema, 2, 89–103.
Studenikina K. (2023).
Towards the feature identity for ellipsis in Russian: Evidence from noun phrases with coordinated adjectives [in Russian]
. Rhema, 2, 28–52.
Belova D. (2022).
Evaluation and reading time of predicate agreement with conjuncts
. Proceedings of 13th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 21-24.
Belova D. D., Davidyuk T. I. (2022).
Predicate agreement with coordinated subjects in Russian [in Russian]
. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 5 (1), 13-34.
Gerasimova A. (2022).
Towards the classification of Russian binominative clauses [in Russian]
. Rhema, 2, 32–66.
Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. (2022).
Linguistic experiment on the Yandex.Toloka crowdsourcing platform: evaluation of research capacity [in Russian]
// Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, 78(1), 175–206.
Grashchenkov P.
On syntactic selection of adjective (phrases) [in Russian]
. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana, 18 (3), 72-103.
Knyazev M. (2022).
Factivity and information status as determinants of the distribution of nominalized clauses
. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 5 (1), 35-55.
Lyutikova E. et al. (2022).
Three aspects of linguistic data consistency: estimation and interpretation [in Russian]
// Intelligent Systems. Theory and Applications, 26(1), 196–202.
Lyutikova E. (2022).
Agreeing inflected quantifiers, intensifiers and anaphors as derived personal pronouns: Evidence from Tatar
. Word structure, 15 (3), 380-401.
Lyutikova E. (2022).
Is there syntactic raising in Russian? Part 1: Infinitives [in Russian]
. // Moscow University Philology Bulletin, 5, 27-45.
Lyutikova E. (2022).
Is there syntactic raising in Russian? Part 2: Small clauses [in Russian]
. // Moscow University Philology Bulletin, 6, 58-74.
Lyutikova E. (2022).
[Review of:] A. Alexiadou, H. Borer (eds.). Nominalization: 50 years on from Chomsky’s Remarks. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, 76.) Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2020. 480 p. ISBN 9780198865582 [in Russian]
. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 6, 152-160.
Studenikina K. (2022).
Syntactic structure of noun phrases with coordinates modifiers in Russian: experimental study [in Russian]
. Typology of morphosyntactic parameter, 4 (1), 107-139.
Studenikina K. (2022).
Does the number morphology determine the agreement strategy?
. Proceedings of 13th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 137-140.
Belova D. (2021).
Island properties of subjects in simple and dependent clauses in Russian [in Russian]
. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 4 (1), 11-29.
Demina Y. (2021).
Argument-adjunct asymmetry in long-distance wh-movement in Russian
. Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 69-72.
Gerasimova, A. Lyutikova E. (2021).
Licensing ni-pronouns in control infinitives: an experimental study [in Russian]
. Russian Grammar: System — Language Usage — Language Variation. Vladislava Warditz (ed Peter Lang (Frankfurt Am Main, Germany), 177-190.
Morgunova E. (2021).
Complementizer-trace effect in Russian
. Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe, 1-20.
Petelin D. (2021).
Intrusive pronouns in Russian: An experimental study [in Russian]
. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 4 (2), 98-127.
Belova D. (2020).
Subject-object subextraction asymmetry in Russian
. Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 49-52.
Gerasimova, A., Lyutikova, E. (2020).
Intralingual variation in acceptability judgments and production: Three case studies in Russian grammar
. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 348.
Gerasimova, A. Lyutikova E. (2020).
The problem of data variation: mixed agreement in Russian
. Moscow University bulletin. Series 9: Philology, 2, 25-37.
Studenikina K. (2020).
On the nature of the superiority effect in Russian: grammatical relations or c-command [in Russian]
. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 3 (1), 131-151.
Voznesenskaya A. (2020).
The extraction of direct objects out of indirect yes/no questions in Russian
. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 3 (2), 11-28.
Gerasimova, A. (2019).
Licensing negative polarity items in Russian event nominalizations
. ConSOLE XXVII: Proceedings of the 27th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe, 106-177.
Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. (2019).
Nominal coordination in Tatar postpositional constructions and case variation [in Russian]
. Seventh International Conference on Computer Processing of Turkic Languages «TurkLang-2019». (Conference proceedings), 1-16.
Gerasimova, A., Lyutikova, E. (2019).
Adjectives in constructions with small numerals: an experimental study of case variability [in Russian]
. Russian grammar: active processes in language and speech, 257-262.
Lyutikova, E., Gerasimova, A. (2019).
Postpositional constructions in Tatar: methodologies for measuring intralingual variation [in Russian]
. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Technologies, 18, 412-435.
Lyutikova, E. (2019).
Island restrictions in the light of experimental data
. Grammatical processes and systems in synchrony and diachrony, 32-33.
Morgunova, E. (2019).
Featural asymmetries in extraction out of strong islands in Russian [in Russian]
. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 2 (1), 70-85.
Morgunova, E. (2019).
Island restrictions and asymmetries of movement (based on Russian data) [in Russian]
. Russian grammar: active processes in language and speech, 319-324.
Studenikina, K. (2019).
Superiority effect in Russian multiple wh-questions: experimental study [in Russian]
. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 2 (1), 119-141.
Gerasimova A. (2018).
Mixed agreement patterns in Russian (experimental study) [In Russian]
The Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Literature and Language, 77(1), 65–71.
Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. (2018).
Agreeing and substantivized adjectives in Russian paucal constructions: An experimental study [In Russian]
Rhema, 4, 50–71.
Pereltsvaig A., Lyutikova E., Gerasimova A. (2018).
Case marking in Russian eventive nominalizations: inherent vs. dependent case theory
. Russian Linguistics, 42, 221–236.
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