
In press

Gerasimova A. (In press). Agreement variation in different grammar architectures: challenges and perspectives [In Russian]. // Voprosy yazykoznaniya.


Belova D. (2024). Pridёt dvoje iz larca: An experimental study of variable agreement with quantified subjects [In Russian]. Russkaya rech’, 4, 7-19.

Grashchenkov P. (2024). RUCONST: A treebank for Russian [In Russian]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 9. Filologiya, 3, 94-112.

Grashchenkov P. (2024). Variable agreement and the structure of coordination [In Russian]. Voprosy yazykoznaniya, 3, 7-30.

Davidyuk T. (2024). Person-number agreement with subjects containing coordinating and correlative conjunctions in Russian [In Russian]. Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 9. Filologiya, 4, 58-70.

Knyazev M. (2024). Factive islands in Russian: An experimental study of relative clause dependencies. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Труды института лингвистических исследований, 20(2), 1-50.

Lyutikova E. (2024). Adjectival predicates in finite and non-finite clauses [In Russian]. Voprosy yazykoznaniya, 6, 7-31.

Vrubel’ D., Pasko L., Studenikina K. (2024). Strong and weak factors in partial predicative agreement: a meta-analysis [In Russian]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya.

Gerasimova A.A. The asymmetry of accent schemes in binominative sentences: An experimental case study of Russian [In Russian]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya, 92, 22-57.


Baykov F. (2023). Non-local syntactic interactions across an NP/DP boundary: Negative concord and wh-movement [in Russian]. Rhema, 2, 171–189.

Belova D. (2023). Subject island and discontinuous spellout in Russian: An experimental approach. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 31 (FASL 30 issue), 1-18.

Belova D. (2023). Syntax and prosody of split scrambling: An experimental approach [in Russian]. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” (2023), 22 (supplementary volume), 1001-1008.

Belova D., Davidyuk T. (2023). Agreement with coordinated subjects containing a personal pronoun: Experimental data from Russian [in Russian]. Rhema, 2, 53–88.

Davidyuk T. (2023). Predicate agreement with coordinated subjects in Russian: word order, conjuncts order, predicate features [in Russian]. Proceedings of the Digital in social studies and humanities: method, field, reality, 12–20.

Davidyuk T. (2023). Predicate agreement and word order: an experimental study [in Russian]. Russkii yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii, 2(46), 220-234.

Gerasimova A. (2023). The relevance of word order for classifying binominative clauses [in Russian]. Russkii yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii, 2(46), 180-199.

Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. (2023). Linguistics and gender stereotypes [in Russian]. To the 80th birthday of O.F. Krivnova, 281-295.

Knyazev M., Rudaleva E. (2023). Experimental study of the influence of register formality on the preferred realization of the complement clause in Russian [in Russian]. Lomonosov Philology Journal. Series 9. Philology, 1, 9–23.

Knyazev M. (2023). An experimental study of argument extraction from presuppositional clauses in Russian. Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. Papers from the Annual International Conference “Dialogue” (2023), 22, 242-252.

Knyazev M. (2023). Noun complement clauses with a demonstrative determiner in Russian. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, 31 (FASL 30 issue), 1-19.

Lyutikova E. (2023). On agreement variation in Russian [in Russian]. Russkii yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii, 2(46), 200-219.

Lyutikova E. (2023). Person agreement with anaphors: Evidence from Tatar. Languages, 8(1), 46.

Lyutikova E., Gerasimova A. (2023). Negative Concord and locality in Russian. Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique, 68(1), 31–73.

Lyutikova E., Gerasimova A. (2023). Studying agreement variation in Russian: Problems and methodology [in Russian]. Rhema, 2, 9–27.

Pasko L. (2023). Against ATB-analysis of partial agreement in Russian: An experimental study [in Russian]. Rhema, 2, 89–103.

Studenikina K. (2023). Towards the feature identity for ellipsis in Russian: Evidence from noun phrases with coordinated adjectives [in Russian]. Rhema, 2, 28–52.

Studenikina K. (2023). Agreement hierarchy in Russian coordinated noun phrases: corpus and experimental study [in Russian]. Russkii yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii, 2(46), 235-245.


Belova D. (2022). Evaluation and reading time of predicate agreement with conjuncts . Proceedings of 13th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 21-24.

Belova D. D., Davidyuk T. I. (2022). Predicate agreement with coordinated subjects in Russian [in Russian]. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 5 (1), 13-34.

Gerasimova A. (2022). Towards the classification of Russian binominative clauses [in Russian]. Rhema, 2, 32–66.

Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. (2022). Linguistic experiment on the Yandex.Toloka crowdsourcing platform: evaluation of research capacity [in Russian] // Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, 78(1), 175–206.

Grashchenkov P. On syntactic selection of adjective (phrases) [in Russian]. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana, 18 (3), 72-103.

Knyazev M. (2022). Factivity and information status as determinants of the distribution of nominalized clauses. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 5 (1), 35-55.

Lyutikova E. et al. (2022). Three aspects of linguistic data consistency: estimation and interpretation [in Russian] // Intelligent Systems. Theory and Applications, 26(1), 196–202.

Lyutikova E. (2022). Agreeing inflected quantifiers, intensifiers and anaphors as derived personal pronouns: Evidence from Tatar. Word structure, 15 (3), 380-401.

Lyutikova E. (2022). Is there syntactic raising in Russian? Part 1: Infinitives [in Russian]. // Moscow University Philology Bulletin, 5, 27-45.

Lyutikova E. (2022). Is there syntactic raising in Russian? Part 2: Small clauses [in Russian]. // Moscow University Philology Bulletin, 6, 58-74.

Lyutikova E. (2022). [Review of:] A. Alexiadou, H. Borer (eds.). Nominalization: 50 years on from Chomsky’s Remarks. (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics, 76.) Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2020. 480 p. ISBN 9780198865582 [in Russian]. Voprosy Jazykoznanija, 6, 152-160.

Studenikina K. (2022). Syntactic structure of noun phrases with coordinates modifiers in Russian: experimental study [in Russian]. Typology of morphosyntactic parameter, 4 (1), 107-139.

Studenikina K. (2022). Does the number morphology determine the agreement strategy?. Proceedings of 13th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 137-140.


Belova D. (2021). Island properties of subjects in simple and dependent clauses in Russian [in Russian]. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 4 (1), 11-29.

Demina Y. (2021). Argument-adjunct asymmetry in long-distance wh-movement in Russian. Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 69-72.

Gerasimova, A. Lyutikova E. (2021). Licensing ni-pronouns in control infinitives: an experimental study [in Russian]. Russian Grammar: System — Language Usage — Language Variation. Vladislava Warditz (ed Peter Lang (Frankfurt Am Main, Germany), 177-190.

Morgunova E. (2021). Complementizer-trace effect in Russian. Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe, 1-20.

Petelin D. (2021). Intrusive pronouns in Russian: An experimental study [in Russian]. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 4 (2), 98-127.


Belova D. (2020). Subject-object subextraction asymmetry in Russian. Proceedings of 11th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, 49-52.

Gerasimova, A., Lyutikova, E. (2020). Intralingual variation in acceptability judgments and production: Three case studies in Russian grammar. Frontiers in psychology, 11, 348.

Gerasimova, A. Lyutikova E. (2020). The problem of data variation: mixed agreement in Russian. Moscow University bulletin. Series 9: Philology, 2, 25-37.

Studenikina K. (2020). On the nature of the superiority effect in Russian: grammatical relations or c-command [in Russian]. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 3 (1), 131-151.

Voznesenskaya A. (2020). The extraction of direct objects out of indirect yes/no questions in Russian. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 3 (2), 11-28.


Gerasimova, A. (2019). Licensing negative polarity items in Russian event nominalizations. ConSOLE XXVII: Proceedings of the 27th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe, 106-177.

Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. (2019). Nominal coordination in Tatar postpositional constructions and case variation [in Russian]. Seventh International Conference on Computer Processing of Turkic Languages «TurkLang-2019». (Conference proceedings), 1-16.

Gerasimova, A., Lyutikova, E. (2019). Adjectives in constructions with small numerals: an experimental study of case variability [in Russian]. Russian grammar: active processes in language and speech, 257-262.

Lyutikova, E., Gerasimova, A. (2019). Postpositional constructions in Tatar: methodologies for measuring intralingual variation [in Russian]. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Technologies, 18, 412-435.

Lyutikova, E. (2019). Island restrictions in the light of experimental data. Grammatical processes and systems in synchrony and diachrony, 32-33.

Morgunova, E. (2019). Featural asymmetries in extraction out of strong islands in Russian [in Russian]. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 2 (1), 70-85.

Morgunova, E. (2019). Island restrictions and asymmetries of movement (based on Russian data) [in Russian]. Russian grammar: active processes in language and speech, 319-324.

Studenikina, K. (2019). Superiority effect in Russian multiple wh-questions: experimental study [in Russian]. Typology of morphosyntactic parameters, 2 (1), 119-141.


Gerasimova A. (2018). Mixed agreement patterns in Russian (experimental study) [In Russian] The Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Literature and Language, 77(1), 65–71.

Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. (2018). Agreeing and substantivized adjectives in Russian paucal constructions: An experimental study [In Russian] Rhema, 4, 50–71.

Pereltsvaig A., Lyutikova E., Gerasimova A. (2018). Case marking in Russian eventive nominalizations: inherent vs. dependent case theory. Russian Linguistics, 42, 221–236.